COVID-19: Insurers Are Denying Policies To Disabled Despite Govt...
New Delhi: Abishek Muthian, a startup coach from Coimbatore, runs a blog on which he has uploaded many hours of phone...
'Patent Battles Could Choke COVID-19 Drugs Pipeline'
New Delhi: India and South Africa are currently leading a call at the World Trade Organization (WTO) for intellectual...

'COVID Got Global Attention Because It Affected Rich Countries'
New Delhi: India, with 2.4 million tuberculosis (TB) cases in 2019, has the most cases (27%) in the world. With...

AYUSH Ministry’s COVID ‘Remedies’ Lack Evidence, Add To Confusion
New Delhi: A 65-year-old man in Mumbai was taking ayurvedic remedies for weeks prior to testing positive for COVID-19....

From Treatment To Medical Gear, Patients Paying More In COVID Times
New Delhi: Chandni B lives in Bengaluru but her elderly aunt and uncle live by themselves in Mumbai. When Chandni’s...

India Goes Against Emerging Science To Recommend HCQ For COVID-19 Prevention
Update (June 5, 2020): The Lancet has retracted the paper that had said that hydroxychloroquine is harmful and not...

India pauses antibody testing; US FDA says it hasn’t approved any antibody kits
As countries consider widespread testing and experts debate the merits and ethics of “immunity certificates”, more and...

COVID-19 data: The 890 puzzle still unsolved
On April 5, 2020, IndiaSpend reported an anomaly in the Indian government’s data on COVID19--for 11 days in March, the...