Why India’s National Health Insurance Scheme Has Failed Its Poor
Beneficiaries enroll themselves for the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana in Andhra Pradesh. The programme has not led to...
52 Infants Die In 30 Days In Jamshedpur, Revealing Jharkhand’s Health Crisis
The death of 52 infants over 30 days at Jamshedpur's Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College hospital in Jharkhand,...

Monthly Pay Less Than Single Malt Bottle, Poor Training Impede India's Army Of Health Workers
Rekha Rewat, an accredited social health activist (ASHA), in Madhya Pradesh. An ASHA serves as a healthcare facilitator,...

‘Gender Discrimination A Key Underlying Cause Of Malnutrition In India’
The condition of girls and women-–their nutrition, health and social status--is one of the indirect cause of...