Mizoram Shows How Good Sanitation Can Reduce Child Malnutrition
The north eastern state of Mizoram has reported a 13 percentage-point decline in stunting (below normal height for the...
States That Keep Mothers Healthy Have India's Healthiest Children
Policy-makers aiming to improve child health outcomes would do well to target more resources at women’s...
Child-Health Spending Soars, But 40 Million Indian Children Stunted
Here are some health statistics for Indian children five years or younger: 38.7% are stunted (below normal height for...
Malnutrition Reducing But Undernourished Population High
Between 2006 and 2014 in India, stunting rates for children under five declined from 48% to 39%, there was a 35%...
Shut Out: India's Poor, Urban Children—Part I
Child labour in India's urban areas increased 53% over the decade between 2001 and 2011. In the age group...
What Villages Ignore: Water, Sanitation, Streetlights
A woman next to a well collecting water the old-fashioned way in Methgharkila village near Nashik, Maharashtra. Image:...