Jharkhand Family's Tragic Loss Highlights Flaws In Ayushman Bharat...
Ranchi: On April 11, 2024, 42-year-old Rudolf Kujur arrived in Ranchi, 131 km from his village Bendora in Jharkhand’s...
Pune District’s Efforts To Reduce Child Malnutrition Bear Fruits
Darumbre, Pune district: Shivani Waghule, aged four years, in her red-coloured uniform plays around and chats with her...
'Early Testing Important To Control The Spread of Omicron'
Mumbai: The number of daily new Covid-19 cases in India in the ongoing third wave is rising and crossing 268,000 on...
Vaccines Could Be Helping In India's Third Wave, But Data Gaps Plague Research
Chennai: Multiple Indian regions could be seeing the impact of vaccination against Covid-19 on the likelihood of getting...
Explained: Why It Took 54 Years For A Malaria Vaccine
Noida: In less than two years from the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, the world had seven vaccines. In contrast, there...
1 Billion Vaccine Doses, But Women, Tribals Lag
Benaulim, Goa and Noida, Uttar Pradesh: India has administered 1.07 billion doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, but an...
Why India Cannot Delay Vaccinating Pregnant Women Against Covid-19
Mumbai: Kalyani Agrahari, 27, an assistant teacher, was assigned to poll duty in eastern Uttar Pradesh's Jaunpur block...
Remote Tribal Village Shows How To Fight Vaccine Hesitancy
Mumbai: Tembhrusonda village, located on the periphery of the Melghat Tiger Reserve and 80 km from Amravati city in...