Health - Page 22

Study On COVID-19 Testing Data Calls For Random Testing, Improved Data...
Jaipur and Delhi: Data on exposure to COVID-19 were missing for 70.6% of patients tested between January 30 and April...
Mumbai Has More Patients Than Beds
Mumbai: India’s financial capital--which has more COVID-19 cases than any other Indian state or city--has detected 48%...

Hospitals May Put Off Elective Surgeries Until After COVID-19 Peaks
Mumbai: The central government, in its advisory released on March 20, had directed hospitals and medical institutions to...

‘Deaths Per Million Key Indicator Of COVID Containment & Case Management’
Mumbai: While indicators such as case fatality and doubling time are being analysed to understand the spread of the...

COVID-19: As Cases Surge, New Symptoms to Look Out For
Mumbai: Some 30% of COVID-19 patients hospitalised in China and New York developed moderate or severe kidney injury,...

Why Bihar’s Door-to-Door Screening Could Be Underreporting COVID-19 Cases
Patna: The Bihar government’s door-to-door screening campaign for COVID-19 is marred by poor adherence to guidelines...

At Helplines For The Elderly, Distress Calls For Fear Of Dying Alone
Bengaluru: A kilo of rice and half a kilo of dal is all Savitri Bai Padaliya, 61, has had to see her through the ongoing...

Can India Get Back To Work?
Mumbai: As the number of COVID-19 cases continues to rise across the country, the clamour to open up the economy is...