Latest Reports - Page 19
‘Phase III Critical; COVID-19 Vaccine Not Possible Before Early 2021’
Mumbai: Several drug makers have announced that they are moving on to expanded phase II clinical trials for a vaccine...
‘Superspreading’ Caused Most COVID-19 Transmission In Karnataka, Contact Tracing Data Show
Delhi: Most COVID-19 cases in Karnataka were spread by a small fraction of infected patients, called “superspreaders”,...
States Are Using More Antigen Testing. Here's What This Means
Delhi: India has begun to use the technology of antigen testing for COVID-19. This is faster and cheaper, than the “gold...
‘Exorbitant’ COVID-19 Treatment Prices Slashed As State Governments Step Up
New Delhi: After scores of media reports across languages and court petitions pointing out the high prices of COVID-19...
‘Results Of Mumbai Sero-Survey Should Not Lower Our Guard’
Mumbai: The results of a seroprevalence survey in three Mumbai wards should not be taken as “a green signal”, and people...
Low Salaries, Poor Facilities Deter Health Workers From COVID-19 Care
Mumbai, Delhi, Jaipur and Guwahati: Government and private hospitals are finding it difficult to recruit new and...
‘No Clear Link To Currency Notes And COVID-19 Spread’
Mumbai: India’s heavy demand for cash--nearly 94% of transactions were made out in cash as per a recent survey--is...
'High BP, Diabetes, Obesity Make Indians Prone To Worst COVID-19 Outcomes'
Mumbai: COVID-19, caused by the novel coronavirus named SARS-CoV-2--short for severe acute respiratory syndrome...